Why ChangeU  Multidimensional Cross-Team Alignment Has More Long-Lasting Changes Than Team Building

Records consistently reveal that team building is the most requested corporate training for SMEs.
In a nutshell team building is one dimensional whereas cross-team alignment is multi-dimensional.

Many team building events are very physical (such as Outward Bound School), while others are outdoor and offsite events, with physical challenges. Most training providers use loud, motivational “Ra Ra style” games to create a brief motivational high – but in reality the effects were not long lasting, as there was no fundamental mindset change, and cross team conflicts were not resolved.  

At ChangeU, our first objective is to create long term mindset changes through the most powerful methodology of “Experiential Learning”. Through powerful experiential games, attendees go through self-discovery of their own strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, attendees receive constructive feedback on their ‘Blind Spots’ — weaknesses that are blind to oneself but are detected by one’s peers and the life coach.

Our second objective is to inspire the team to Refocus and to “Go for Gold” – to break the team’s own gold record, or the CEO’s vision. This is the most challenging objective as every team member must be proactive to contribute their own part to achieve the overall Gold Record, to think outside the box, and any obstacles and team conflicts need to be resolved or removed. 

Our third objective is to Align and Synergize each other’s talents and resources. When a team is aligned, one plus one plus one can become three hundred and one. When a team is not aligned, one plus one plus one can become minus three i.e. the team is a liability, the team is shrinking, or the team is fighting and destroying itself from within.

That is why team building is best coached by external trainers. 
​This is because internal trainers are blind to their ‘team blind spots’, and they will not dare to address “the elephant in the room” issues that are especially caused by some Heads of Department, who maybe destroying the organization. Therefore, our Fortune 500 clients rely on ChangeU‘s Expertise to turnaround and transform their teams. 

Written by: Robren
Published on:  21 March 2024. 


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